Our collection of fast and simple online tools
From list sorters to character counters, each tool is mobile friendly, fast and responsive, and with each tool working locally on your device, your data stays safe locally. Here's our range of web and mobile friendly tools:
Counting Tools:
Word Counter
Easily count the total number of words with this simple, online tool
C+Character Counter
A simple tool to count the number of characters in any text you select
S+Sentence Counter
An easy way to count the number of sentences in your text
Generation Tools:
List Sorting Tools:
Alphabetical List Sorter
A free sorting tool for lists that returns your items in alphabetical order
12Numerical List Sorter
A free sorting tool for lists that returns your items ascending or descending
Text Conversion Tools:
Title Case Converter (APA)
Transform your text into APA Title Case simply and easily
lcLower Case Converter
Turn your text into lower case in an instant
UCUpper Case Converter
Change your content into UPPER CASE instantly
cCCamel Case Converter
Convert your text into camelCase simply and easily
k-cKebab Case Converter
Transform any text into kebab-case instantly
PCPascal Case Converter
Convert your text into PascalCase simply and easily
s_cSnake Case Converter
Convert any text into snake_case instantly
Text Formatting Tools:
Remove Spaces
Instantly remove spaces from your text, or if you like, only double spaces
¶Remove Line Breaks
Instantly remove line breaks from the text you type or paste
"Remove Duplicate Lines
Instantly remove lines that appear multiple times in a list
∅Remove Empty Lines
Instantly remove blank lines from any text